Monday, June 20, 2011

Flesh Is For Zombies

Flesh is for Zombies

Isn't it a little scary that nearly everywhere you look, people are chowing down on body parts? Yeah, those legs, breasts, and thighs ... they were once someone's. Sadly, we all have flesh-eating friends and family, so it's time to warn them that flesh is for zombies!

Post a warning on your Facebook wall to get the word out. Here are a few examples:

Make sure that you post the link to the "Flesh Is for Zombies" website.

Send a screenshot of your Facebook page (with the warning on it!) to for 2,500 points.

Grains, not brains,

Christina Freeman
Street Team Coordinator | peta2
Add peta2 on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tell PetSmart: Cruelty Isn't a 'Happy Experience'

Tell PetSmart: Cruelty Isn't a 'Happy Experience'
This is inhumanly cruel. What did these animals do to you? Nothing. Exactly. Why do you hurt them? Because they're defenseless? Because you can? These kind of people make me sick. I fear all your humanity has bled from you.

Chickens Can't Talk

HomeMcDonald's CrueltyTake ActionShareDonate Now

McCruelty i'm hatin' it
But you can!

Chickens killed for McDonald's are cruelly slaughtered—often having their legs and wings broken, having their throats cut while they're still conscious, and being scalded to death. I'm not down with that—and you can earn points by showing everyone that you're not down with that kind of cruelty either.

Here are five things that you can do right now to help chickens abused for McDonald's:

Once you complete all five missions, e-mail a screen shot or photo of each mission to to get 2,150 points!

Thanks for speaking up for chickens!


Christina Freeman
Street Team Coordinator | peta2
Add peta2 on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter

P.S. Order FREE McCruelty stickers and leaflets here and pass them out to everyone you know!

Click to update your e-mail preferences or to unsubscribe.
This e-mail was sent by PETA, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 USA.

Who does Clary fall in love with?