Isn't it a little scary that nearly everywhere you look, people are chowing down on body parts? Yeah, those legs, breasts, and thighs ... they were once someone's. Sadly, we all have flesh-eating friends and family, so it's time to warn them that flesh is for zombies!
Post a warning on your Facebook wall to get the word out. Here are a few examples:
- WARNING: The outbreak is here! Find out how you can fight the flesh-eating virus at
- THIS JUST IN! Zombies are everywhere! Quick—SURVIVE at
- ASK YOURSELF: Isn't eating someone else's body parts something a zombie might do? Don't be a zombie! SURVIVE at
Send a screenshot of your Facebook page (with the warning on it!) to for 2,500 points.
Grains, not brains,
Christina Freeman
Street Team Coordinator | peta2
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