Saturday, March 12, 2011

Victory! University of Utah Stops Tormenting Shelter Dogs and Cats in Labs!‏

Animal Testing Breaks Hearts

Sheena, a mutt who was rescued from the University of Utah labs with PETA's help

Thanks to more than 100,000 compassionate people who took part in our campaign, the University of Utah (the U) has announced that it will no longer purchase dogs and cats from the North Utah Valley Animal Shelter (NUVAS)―or any other animal shelter—for use in cruel and deadly experiments! This huge victory for animals marks the end of "pound seizure" in the state of Utah.

PETA's shocking investigation at the U gave the public a first-hand look at what happened to these unfortunate animals and has prompted a monumental change in the treatment of animals in Utah. For decades, the U had purchased hundreds of lost, abandoned, and stray cats and dogs from shelters only to torment them in experiments in which they were cut open, drilled into, injected with chemicals, otherwise abused, and killed. Soon after we broke our case, the shelter selling the most animals to the school ended the practice and Utah legislators amended state law so that government-run animal shelters could choose not to sell animals for experimentation.

NUVAS was the only shelter in the state that still sold animals to labritories, until now.

The U's decision on pound seziure also appears to have led it to find more humane research methods. Instead of repeatedly forcing tubes down shelter cats' throats in a cruel and crude intubation training course, the scheduled animal labratory was recently canceled after PETA protests, and modern stimulators of human infants were used instead.

Please take another step to help animals by urging the University of Michigan to stop tormenting cats and killing pigs.
Thanks for speaking up for animals in labs!

Ryan Huling
 Assistant Manager of College Campaigns
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The Seals Need YOUR help.


Animal Testing Breaks Hearts
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Victory! Rabbits similar to this one will be spared from deadly tea tests.


I'm thrilled to announce that after more than 40,000 people worldwide took action against the makers of Lipton tea and after representatives from PETA and our affiliates in India and Europe flew to London to meet with Unilever—the world's largest tea maker including the Lipton and PG tips brands—the company has agreed to end all non-required animal testing for their teas and tea-based beverages worldwide.

With this victory, the suffering of animals for Lipton and PG tips teas ends. The company behind Lipton tea cut holes into rats' intestines and fed them tea ingredients through a tube in their throats; infected piglets with E. coli toxin and cut their intestines apart while they were still alive; killed mice by suffocating them and breaking their necks; cut off rabbits' heads; and conducted other cruel tests that involved tormenting and killing animals simply to study the health effects of its tea products and ingredients. Not one of the experiments that the company conducted was legally required for beverage makers, and regulators have stated that animal tests are not required to prove a health claim about a food or beverage product.

Thanks to compassionate people who called, e-mailed, and boycotted Lipton tea products!

Please take a moment to thank Lipton for its prompt and compassionate decision by e-mailing the company using its contact form.

With your help, we look forward to many more victories for animals who suffer and die in laboratories. Please remember to buy only products, such as Lipton tea, that are not tested on animals.

Thank you for speaking up for animals in labs!

For all animals,

  Rachel Owen Rachel Owen Signature
 Rachel Owen
 Street Team Coordinator
 Add peta2 on Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter

peta2 Free for All

People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

PETA is the animal orginization that are trying to protect animals. I am a member of PETA and am proud of it. What people don't realize is that the food they eat the leather they wear was made from ANIMAL CRUELTY. Look at for more information.
Waka Flocka Flame Chooses 'Ink, Not Mink'

Waka Flocka Flame Chooses 'Ink, Not Mink'

Hip-hop artist and rapper Waka Flocka Flame bares it all to show that he chooses "ink, not mink" in a naked anti-fur ad for peta2.   
How Cruelty-Free Is Your Morning Routine?

How Cruelty-Free Is Your Morning Routine?

Take our quiz to find out! You just may be surprised at how many cruelty-free products you already have.

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